Category: Uncategorized

  • And you can’t run industrial policy or a war economy if you want fake profits based on not actually producing good new goods at cheap prices. It can’t be done. If an entire society is based around “give me money for the least possible effort”, you’re cooked China’s government, while not without serious flaws, works,…

  • You might not have heard of the company yet, largely because they rarely advertise which major e-bike brands use their motors, controllers, and other components. But to put things in perspective, they produced around 6.5 million electric motors last year. Most of their products are built for the massive domestic market, but around 600,000 were…

  • Never in my 20+ years as a practicing Catholic had I seen the Rosary framed as a meditation of confession as a unblocking mechanism. It makes perfect sense. Like a lot of religious practices, the eye of someone familiar with actual spiritual cultivation practices can see what they were intended to do. Rosary practice and…

  • One of my big cargo-cult beefs is the endless consumption of “non-fiction” management books. It was so bad at my last job that I laid into my boss… “we keep reading histories written by winners, but we have not idea how they struggled to WIN and we have no idea about the losers”. It’s a…

  • … we need to recognize that the Human Tenure Trap is not a personal failing, but a systemic challenge. It’s a reflection of our human limitations and the way we’ve structured our organizations and institutions. It’s only by understanding the trap that we can hope to escape it. Otherwise, we risk winning limited battles and…

  • He’s only in it for the Twitter engagement and trying to create class division. We’ve got actual problems to solve and all he can do is culture war grandstanding. He is a criminally unserious man hell bent of divisiveness. He tried it with the Treaty and he’s trying it all over again with school lunches.…

  • It has been a long time since I’ve seen a company shit all over their core brand proposition so utterly. It’s like Tim Cook is pissing on the street sign at the corner of Liberal Arts and Technology… What. The. Actual. Fuck. Apple? It, honestly, hurts to watch that “Crush!” video… For the last year…

  • Rocket Jesus is finally at the “find out” stage of his multi-decadal fuck about… According to Reuters, the probe is looking into statements made by Tesla CEO Elon Musk in particular. For years, Musk has been promising fully autonomous Tesla vehicles are just around the corner — while also admitting that he often sets overly optimistic timelines.…

  • “When I was a teenager, I remember gay rights being weaponised politically. That always felt ugly and nasty. We look back on that, 30 years later, and those people are clearly on the wrong side of history,” [David Tennant] said. “Now, there is a similar weaponisation of these topics being taken by mostly the right…