Tag: cargo-cult

  • Resist the urge to self-commodify. Embrace what makes you different, not what makes you blend in. Focus on the process, not just the outcome. Pour yourself into your craft and trust that your tribe will find you. The internet is becoming a sea of sameness. But what we crave most is something genuine-something real-not a…

  • The Vision Pro and the Ai Pin are just the latest in a long line of tech failures, and they won’t be the last. We need to recognize that we have the collective power to challenge the industry, and no tech company or access journalist should be able to convince us otherwise. The only way…

  • An ex-Apple designer who went on to startup success once told me, “I wish I could give a workshop for Apple alumni jumping into startups, to help them un-learn The Apple Way.” As someone who strives to build products with the craft and quality of Apple, it pains me to admit that The Apple Way…

  • The Grey Goo

    …the forces of mediocrity are now microprocessor-powered, heavily funded, and determined to hold on to the middle of the market. More grey, more goo. It’s hard to make a great sequel. Better to spend our time to make a remarkable original.

  • We want to be the X of Y

    VC is pattern-matching. Because of this, less competent players fall into the trap of pitching themselves as the X of Y … Tell me you don’t know what you’re doing with out telling me you don’t know what you’re doing.

  • The AVP feels like Apple cargo-culting itself The truth is that there’s very little true vision behind the Vision Pro. The headset is not the product of revolutionary work being done in the bowels of its donut-shaped headquarters. It exists to prove to investors and critics of Tim Cook’s leadership that the company isn’t just…

  • Get your thick coats now. There may be yet another AI winter, and perhaps even a full scale tech winter, just around the corner. And it is going to be cold. Rodney Brooks – https://rodneybrooks.com/predictions-scorecard-2024-january-01/ We live on a farm, we love winters coz it kills all the parasites. I love winters, coz that’s when…

  • The approach is linked to a political philosophy which champions the idea of pioneering entrepreneurs as figureheads who advance civilisation through sheer individual brilliance and determination. In reality, however, most modern technological building blocks – like car batteries, space rockets, the internet, smart phones, and GPS – emerged from publicly funded research. They were not the inspired work of corporate masters of the universe.…

  • Remember when Jobs rules the roost and every wannabe wore turtlenecks and was a complete a-hole because Steve did it that way. Well the current iteration is “lie like Elon”. The current low rez Elon has finally gotten his comeuppance. Trevor Milton, the founder and former CEO of electric truck company Nikola, was sentenced to…

  • I loathe how NZ is ADDICTED to cargo-culting innovation processes… all it does is feed a fat layer of parasites . It’s why I never pitch my ideas to the local fuckwits and only ever focus overseas. Here is the latest episode of the latest result of that cargo-culting. 🤮 A highly critical report from…