Tag: VCs

  • We want to be the X of Y

    VC is pattern-matching. Because of this, less competent players fall into the trap of pitching themselves as the X of Y … Tell me you don’t know what you’re doing with out telling me you don’t know what you’re doing.

  • There has been a spate of “tall poppy” cry-wanks in the NZ entrepreneurial community over the past week. The theme is: I’m a tall poppy and I keep getting knocked down. Turns out that the people getting this coverage are generally: really unpleasant to deal with, they hurt people as their managerial MO, their achievements…

  • There is that moment in any new relationship where you’re in or you’re out. They fart, pick their nose or treat wait staff badly. At that moment you make a call on whether or not you’re in for the long haul (for the record, treating wait staff badly is the only “hell no” for me).…